
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


This is to give thanks to my Supernanny who goes by the name Bon (not her real name, used to protect her bloodline of super people). She is super and this is a chronicle of why I owe almost all of my future to her.

To put everything in context, I went to Manila to confirm my slot in Ateneo. I'm from Iloilo. Confirmation requires a birth certificate. The cosmos wants to give my supernanny an earth-shaking opportunity to flaunt her superiority - so I ended up here in the capital city with the birth certificate back at home. Then:

Supernanny is contacted through phone. She is obviously not feeling the urgency. She is confident she can do what she is tasked to do. Using x-ray vision, she located a photocopy of my birth certificate dating back to 2008 in our home. She brings the photocopy to the town proper, realizes the scan of it looks like  a wasteland. It could not be understood. She needed the originals. So she rode her super vehicle, the form of a public utility bus which will travel the 100 km she needs to burn in two hours.
After two hours, she arrives at the city. Her x-ray vision fails to penetrate the cement walls of metropolitan Iloilo. She has a hard time looking for the originals. Then she remembered her fling with the super hot security guard at NSO. She remembers his perfume which he enjoyed using as hand sanitizer. Using one large inhale,  supernanny detects the perfume. Two seconds later, a birth certificate is procured from an old, abandoned plastic folder. Supernanny jogs to the the nearest internet station, gets the file scanned and alas! I have confirmed a slot in the Ateneo.

Supernanny got me covered.

This story is non-fiction. My exaggerations and use of proper terminology (such as x-ray vision) doesn't really alter the truth for the truth is an exaggeration and should only be proper. I may have added elements to increase interest (fling with a security guard, cliche).

Inday, the chambermaid extraordinaire, can speak with killer words. My super nanny can cut her tongue out.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha...a.k.a. Bon is an expert on docs =)


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