
Monday, April 12, 2010

Suicide and Air Conditioners

For today, I had completely nothing to do. With temperature running up to 34 degrees Celsius, I get an asthma attack just sitting down. 

Scared of anything medical, the air conditioner is working hard. It has been pumping cool air into my room for almost a day already and I'm scared it will blow up soon. I barely use the air conditioner because I don't like fake air but desperate times need extreme solutions. (fake air=treated, to-be-inhaled air)

Having this dilemma, I developed a theory about our hopeless earth. There are billions of people out there who doesn't care about global warming. Because of the heating of the earth, more and more air conditioners are devouring electricity every minute, increasing power generation green house gasses. The odds of extreme global warming is raising itself. A weird way our world works.

I'm just pretty excited for this. I think it means I will be guiltless using electricity again. 


  1. I use the AC a lot these days too. The heat is harder to bear nowadays.

  2. it's so hot these days... oh my =/

  3. we use ACs → more electricity is consumed → earth dies → we die...

    we don't use ACs → we die of too much heat..

    the first one took longer, so i go with that.. lol joke ;D


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