I'm having a horror of a headache, sore muscles and numb eyes. I look like refuse from a war but the only thing I have been physically fighting with are my pillows and bed. It has finally came, the paralysis of anticipation.
Weh. I just made up a name for the increasingly frequent days of being in house arrest. I just spent more than a standard day under the roof of our dwelling without any desire to get out into the sun. With an internet connection, who needs the outside? Well, actually, I do. The headache must be punishment from too much rest, sore muscles from being as playful as a dead log and the numbness around the eyes must be from the marination in radiation courtesy of my laptop screen.
College will be arriving in less than two weeks. Two whole weeks will not be able to prepare me for several years in college. The beginning will come and after it, a lot of years being in the middle. I can't be blamed for turning myself into a caveman. This is excitement and fear taking over.
BTW: Tomorrow, I will be heading out into our dwelling deep in the boondocks. I will be sorting out the rest of the things I will bring with me to the capital city. My mother has contacted a brave soul who will refine my driving skills. Let us all hope for patience from him.
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