In this single post I will try to discuss:
1. The failure of a brand of cookie.
2. Graduation from driving school.
3. How to have a graduation party alone.
4. How I will try to keep the rest of the summer not hibernating.
5. How to stay out of drugs.
First things first: the cookie brand. It might be a question how a cookie can become a very dramatic episode of my life worthy of a blog post. If that cookie tastes wonderful and healthy but you can't eat it, maybe you will understand why.
Th Quaker Oats Oatmeal cookies are wonderful. The flavors (especially this Apple and Cinnamon one) are very good. When I was younger, I was all for the chocolate chip but it was with this cookie brand I realized a cookie can taste good without chocolate. Yum! Problem is it has eggs.
Its been a week since my vow to become a vegan. So goodbye wonderful oatmeal cookies! I never thought your packaging that hinted a feel of being vegan-friendly was not to be trusted.
I graduated from driving school! I have said a few days ago my driving school is going to end earlier but I missed the first hour of my supposedly last class so I had to make up. One thing I have learned is that not all humans are born with the talent to usher safely a vehicle in traffic. Some just have to work harder than the rest so until I become confident with my skills, I will stay away from the highways and keep practicing.
I tried to SMS my parents that I will be going to the mall after class to get dinner. Every one was busy and the dinner I hoped for, which will be a personal celebration for not having to pay for any damages at driving academy, was spent with myself. There is this really weird waiter at Pizza Hut, I won't even get into details.
And I really hate that they pay their waiters to sing a Mexican-on-drugs version of Happy Birthday (complete with oles and whatnot) whenever a customer is having his day. They should at least put out a warning because I could have thrown my fork into someone's eye! The first note was the loudest in the whole song.
Simple answer for number 4.
I am now watching Requiem for a Dream. I have been talked into watching this movie a couple of times already but I never really got the drive to actually get a copy and see it. Aronofsky in Black Swan was how I think movies of the genre should be made.
After finishing his films, I will move on to more and more movies.
Aronofsky works with Matthew Libutaque, a Filipino Director of Photography, who shares the last name of my highschool math and PE teachers. Mrs. Math and Mr. PE (yes, a couple =) are amazing. So is Matthew.
Requim for a Dream will scare the drug user out of your soul. Its wonderful because it does not glorify the horror of being into drugs.

I love the parts where the camera follows the face of the actor. Aside from shedding to the audience the magnificent features of the talent, it creates an intimate bond and it challenges our understanding of facial emotions. It binds you and makes you feel the story not the way you would, but how the characters actually feel it. Genius!
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