
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Driving fail

I have a lot of people telling me that being the best in school doesn't really guarantee smooth sailing through the real world. Sure, it helps but when you are thrown into a system where everyone must be better than everyone else and everything is 100x the speed in the academe, the curriculum vitae can be easily dwarfed. 

Take that from an incoming college freshman because I, that incoming college freshman, was just slapped in the face by this heavily indoctrinated idea.

I challenged myself to drive my mother and sister to do grocery and back. My mother isn't really the one ready to die for the sake of his son's driving practice so she chose the parts of the whole travel where I get to drive. 

Being a self-assessed A+ student in the driving school, I'm a moron on the road with our family car.

My biggest problem is staying on the proper lane. When I am behind the wheel, the notion 'keep right' becomes an ultimate hurdle for my IQ. I may get 'good job' and 'very smooth' from my driving instructor, but I get fearful shrieks and 'Holy Mary's" from my Catholic family. I do not blame them for repenting when I'm driving. I could easily just smash into the pearly gates no matter how wide the gap is.
My mother said, with a motherly sense of pity compassion, my sucky performance was due to lack of practice. Gee, thanks mother. Probably the 5 hours of practice just couldn't teach me how to shift gear smoothly. I have to deal with this though.

In fact, probably, it is just because driving our car is like swimming in the pool while driving my driving school's car is like swimming in tomato soup. Both so similar yet so different. I would have to practice driving our car more. "Practice makes perfect", my mother would add sweetly. (Also, practice takes time, and time means decomposition).

And about the photo, I just added it because I think it looks cool. Black and white just makes action wonderful in its own right, no distracting colors and hues. And the face. It shows disappointment and a dash of constipation. Just perfect for what I am trying to put through - especially the constipation.

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