
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hopeless Wish

From the title, you can sense that this is a very serious article. Its not that serious and I can still smile while writing this but I try my best to make this very sincere. Maybe someone out there with not only a big heart but also a big wallet or checkbook will care to make a 16-year old, thriving writer happy. Thoughts of whoring myself rush into my mind. Oh shit.

I gathered up all my courage. I looked into the screen of my 12.1 inch laptop. I was running Safari, concentrating on gathering up the courage to visit one of the most magical, almost incredible online store/website ever, the Apple Store PH for Students with discounted prices. 

When enough courage was collected, I typed in the URL and pressed enter. Waited for my Window Vista laptop to work with the data. After a few minutes, behold a Page Load Error. Ooops, a typo. Its a .cim instead of .com. A giggle bursted through my lips. I slapped myself trying to remember this is serious. I corrected my spelling and accessed the site. 

There it laid, upon a soft background of white. The most beautiful thing I ever saw in my whole life since the mirror. A MacBook. Its not Pro, its just a MacBook. Dashing with a pearly white finish, no edges only curves. Very neat and judging from the pictures of the interface, it was made for me. I refreshed my courage and read the price tag. A whooping 49,990 Pesos. 

Ah, come on Apple. I thought this was a student friendly store? Where can a high school student like me dig up that much money? Robbing a bank came across my mind but the guilt will kill me so its impossible for me to get a MacBook at that price tag. I wondered what if I didn't eat lunch for a school year, walked instead of riding jeepneys, even using both sides of the tissue paper. I would do everything for this expensive sheet of pearl and technology. Again, I have to wake up into reality. I will never own a MacBook.

If lotteries were easy to win, I could own a MacBook. But lotteries are never easy to win so I'm not getting a MacBook. If only this, if only that. What if I didn't visit the Apple Store in the first place? Steve Jobs. Huh.

Its about 1 AM and I'm now researching ways to plan what you are going to dream. Just maybe I can be watching YouTube or editing photos and videos on my Mac while asleep.


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