
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Finally, something to do!

For a few weeks since the start of summer, my daily routine was suicide. Sleep, breakfast, sleep, TV, sleep, lunch, sleep, TV, sleep, dinner, Facebook until near morning. I knew after several months I could die of heart failure so I looked for something to do. Summer should not be paired with lack of activity.

I received a text message from my classmate that a tutorial center here in Iloilo will be holding review classes for college entrance exams. I'm an incoming high school senior and it was music to my ears. I was even happier that it was slightly far away from my school. Now I have to walk everyday and while walking, I can take photos of Iloilo. That is why I started this other photoblog. Check it out to see my photography!

Happiness is just inside of me that I finally found away to spend the summer without choking my arteries with fats!


  1. some people day sleep, eat, watching TV routine is bliss.. =P

  2. @kenwooi I'm a different story. Routine kills me. I even diagnosed myself of ADHD. Give me a routine and I will burn it to death. :-)

  3. Its better if you have a long rest during summer so that your body will be recharge when you will be back in school.
    Just enjoy your summer :)

  4. Naaaw, I miss you guys. Really wish I were able to attend the review classes


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