Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Bored with Blogging

Obviously, my number of posts decreased un-dramatically. I had been to busy and preoccupied with things that convinced me they mattered more than blogging.
Last week, I cursed a teacher. I did not do it directly. I wrote on my notebook in bold blue two cusswords and waved it to him unconsciously. He was kind. I am so bad and I think I’m more animal than ever before.
Stinking, uncanny, tensed and furious. Disrespectful, aggressive and violent. Thanks to my voice box that nobody called me a monkey yet. I’m sorry for any typo, unclear point or grammatical error, I’m not in the mood. Thanks to the auto-spell checker on MS Word that I can endure this hell of a typing job.
Sometimes, things fade away and it seems that I’m losing my interest in blogging. I don’t really care about my site’s traffic, I just want to share what I think about but unfortunately, my memory bank’s on leave and my system is at rest. I’m unsure if I’m really typing or just dreaming, awake or sleeping.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Freezer Blender
Our Microbiology teacher finished living off another year. Its his ‘Happy Birthday’ today and he decided to stuff our hungry and loud mouths with the Cornetto cones from the canteen. I opened its paper packaging and stared at the creamy purple substance known to many as the ‘ube’ ice cream, I called it heaven on cone. I took a bite and died.
The beautiful purple cream became trash at the mercy of my tongue. Instead of the tropical ‘ube’ flavor, I tasted adobo. Again, the vapor of the frozen viands in the same freezer I was describing crept into the paper packaging of my ice cream cone. To hell with the Packaging Engineers, you destroyed my teacher's and my day.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I have been feeling de-inspired lately. Not sure if it is real or if it is just an excuse I unconsciously cooked while in the search for the reason on why my grades are rolling off the hill into purgatorio.
Here is a slight exaggeration on my current status: My grades are FAILING. I would be glad to earn a 2.5 after all this second quarter ordeal. My hopes of entering the top universities here in the Philippines are quickly fading. Do you know that 60% of a UP admission score comes from the high school report card? I could settle with CPU or UA and P. All my dreams of stepping on the same handful of sand the Eheads stepped on years ago are all gone to the furnace of my own shortcomings, all gone. Sob, sob, sob …
Even worse, the school’s internet is testing my patience. I’m having the elevator disease with it, clicking the link or hitting ‘Enter’ a thousand times hoping it would make everything go faster.
My life is not really the way I want it right now, it’s starting to prefer the opposite ways, going through every possible hole that can make my journey longer and darker. Soon enough I will be free. Soon enough… like this Saturday. My parents are planning to send me out of the dorm and deposit me to a real house here in Iloilo. No more limits in laptop use, higher bandwidth with less users, real food and no more cheap fast food, all of it on its way and will hopefully reach me this Saturday.
“Free at last, free at last” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Dorm Room Reassignment
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Why I Love Photography
I take photos of everything. Myself, animals, plants, inanimate objects, etc. I always have one or more photos of the things I would like to remember in my archives. Viewing it a month or so pleases me.
Photoshop 1
TITSER: Carla, use recharge in a sentence.Carla: Ang guwapo talaga ni 'Recharge' GutierrezMariele Rodriquez(singing to the tune of If I Were A Boy):If I were a voice,Sintunado ako....
Use Smart Money to Verify Paypal-Philippines
What will you need:
My Parenting Tips
The Iloilo Strait Has Rare Dolphins!
Mrs. Louelle Dolar-Perrin, a Filipina marine biologist specializing in marine mammals associated with the Silliman University Marine Laboratory in Dumaguete City,Negros Oriental, handled the case of the dolphins and NatGeo international bought the rights to her study. She studded the Irrawady population and she found out that only 30-45 of them are left. Frequent ferry boats (Weesam, Supercat, Oceanjet) and cargo jets disturb the animal's feeding time and mating rites. Some of th edolphins were later found lifeless and mutilated probably by the blades of the same boats that passed Iloilo Strait.
The dolphins can be sighted 6:00 -7:00 in the morning by the Siete Pecados in Guimaras.
Mrs. Perin is also thinking about establishing a new species. The dolphins in the Iloilo Strait could have been there for thousands of years already so they might have developed new adaptations (eg. larger back dents) worthy of being named a new species.
When Mrs. Perin presented her study to the LGU of Guimaras, a joke was cracked by the officials saying that a civil war might break out over the new name. What do you think? Orcaella guimarasis or Orcaella ilonggonensis?
Lady Gaga's Most Outrageous Looks
This is what I call a good day
Friday, September 18, 2009
Chill Wind by Janet McDonald
I got my copy from home, dug up from archeological degree. I bet you you are not going to find this book anywhere in the Philippines easily. Because of my kindness, I'm selling my copy for a measly 3 Dollars via PayPal Request. It has minor folds and is obviously used. The price includes the shipping fee. E-mail me at wingspan300@yahoo.com for more info.
The 6-Yr Old Erap Fan
Does Miriam Defensor hate Rhinoceroses?
That was a direct quote from one of her recent famous speeches. Read again the last line. Shot on sight? Is she still referring to the officials?
The dictionary defines a rhinoceros as a large, powerful, herbivarous, thick-skinned perissodactyl mammal with two horns. Thus, a rhinoceros is a template for cabinet members and other executive officials who use public funds, or gifts from so-called “friends,” to campaign for next year’s elections. They are all thick-skinned and should be shot on sight.
She used the rhinoceros as a metaphor for human violence and wildlife destruction. Creative. I'm starting to like her some more.
No, I do not support wildlife destruction. I'm an environmental activist. It was her creativity I was attracted to and by the way, this is partly an unfunny joke, do not take it seriously. Treat it like how most public officials treat you like, a joke.
Smart Bro or Globe Tattoo
First, study your area. All you need is a 3G (or preferably 3.5 G/HSPDA) phone and normal SIM cards from the two networks. Try to survey if the available signal is on 3G or the normal 2G.
If Smart has 3G in your area, buy Bro. If Globe has 3G in your area, buy Tattoo.
If both of the providers have 3G signal or just 2G signal, prefer Smart Bro. Bro does not disconnect you to its service as much as Tattoo does and Smart is also know for its stability.
Check out their websites: Globe Tattoo Smart Bro
Am I Under Depression?
I have been having this weird feeling for a month and a half already. It all started one night when I went back to my dorm room and all seemed too familiar. I memorize the dirt, dust, grime and all other stuff in my room. I know it all and because of that, I'm tired of it. All of it.
When you have to file a leave pass to leave campus premises, when you have to finish all your laptop duties before 10 PM, when you have to force yourself to study at 8-9 PM, when you have to keep on hoping you are still a member of the family you once eat dinners with, when you have to keep worrying about your family who are pleased when you are away from them, when you have to swallow food you barely like, when you have to undergo rigorous science training after all that, that's dorm life. I want to quit but I have gone too far already. My hard work should pay off and quitting can put them all away.
I can't even end my posts right. I hate myself for pulling myself into this mess in the first place. 3 years ago it all seemed glamorous. I hate me. If I haven't passed the entrance exams, I might have been enjoying my existence right now, outside the four cold walls that keep me to myself. Soon I will get out. Soon enough, I hope.....
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Kimmy Dora: Eugene Domingo takes center stage
I promised myself to watch the movie and see how Eugene fairs as the lead actress with two characters to play at the same time. I was not disappointed but I was not really amazed either.
For starters, the storyline.
The classic archetypes were present. A clueless chimay was there, kidnappers were also there and of course, a heart attack of a beloved when when tension arises between his two loved ones occured.
Unfortunately, they had to include a song number with Kimmy and Dora singing at the end of the movie that flashed a photo of Redford White in front of my face.
Second, the script.
It was nothing special. I can't remember a special line in the movie I can keep and carry with me all throughout my existence. But I enjoyed some of them like "Ano kaya yung Ebola virus, mas malaking ipis?" or "Hindi ka bobo, slow ka lang" It might not sound funny when you read it but try watching the movie and I'm sure you will have heartburn while laughing.
Third, the direction.
Remember Agent X44 or D' Anothers. It's all the same thing from the forever mainstream movie director Joyce Bernal. She did not develop a new concept or method in the movie, it was a typical Bernal film.
The cast.
Here's something new, Eugene Domingo for the first time,playing the lead role,two times over. She plays both the twins and she rocked her first spotlight although she has to develop some aspects that will make Eugene, the star and not as Eugene, the star's sidebar gadget. She can act, that's a no brainer but she lacks comething which I am sure could be filled in anytime soon. Her 'adlibs' (by the way I saw it) were hilarious. Her natural aptitude for pun creation was evident.
The supporting actors and actresses were also good but Eugene made it possible to keep the eyes on her. The names Regine Velasquez, Ruffa Mae Quinto, Vhong Navarro or Dingdong Dantes did not come close with stealing her spotlight, Domingo kept it to herself for the movie's duration.
Verdict: Go watch the movie, its worth your 100 Pesos. Don't expect to laugh your popcorn out while watching the movie, the hearty laughter came after the viewing. When you have to remember everything that happened in the movie, you will really L-O-Loud, trust me. This is based on personal experience.
Note: For families, watch out. I considered some of the Filipino words used taboo. If your family is a great believer in (Human Reproductive) Biology and uncorrupted, do not fear, friend.
A Day With My Parents
About Me
I am a high school student at the Philippine Science High School-Western Visayas. I am a government scholar but that does not mean I wear thick-framed glasses, chew braces or spit liters of saliva when I talk. I can’t even solve nth degree polynomials below a minute! I am normal only that I had a chance with the entrance exams.
I love Biology and Filipino. In my decade of schooling, I loathed Filipino. I tagged it as taboo and evil only to realize that when you can’t speak good Filipino, your spoiled tuna. What Rizal had said is true. If I continued to curse Filipino to death, I might miss a big part in my growth and development. I love Biology because every time we have a dissection, a film viewing on open heart surgeries, a blood sample to type (blood typing) I further realize what an advance organism I am. Contrary to the obvious, Biology strengthened my dwindling belief in creationism. It is far and far becoming impossible for me to believe that a human with a perfect lymphatic system or blood production mechanisms just came up by chance.
For those I blog about, do not worry. My view to you doesn’t necessarily reflect how the world sees you. I am just one of the many millions out there you are about to meet. Don’t get hurt easily. I bite but your way tough enough to handle it. As much as possible I would try to be positive and to continue living a happy life co-existing with my topics.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Why I left Wordpress
For one, the Cbox. Advanced bloggers might know that Wordpress blocks all JavaScript and that is what is used to run the Cbox. Because of the lack of a Cbox, my readers had less chance of commenting. Even I would not sign up just to give a comment on a stupid blog entry.
Second, no ads. I have no intention on living by blogging but it is a good thing if I could put up some advertisements on my blog. A small amount of money could be good and it gives a feeling of being a professional blogger.
Third, too many limitations. Every step needs an upgrade worth a big something. I just don't want being nagged of paying 14.7 credits every time I click something in the dashboard. This might be exaggeration still, exaggeration is partly true.
So those are all my reasons. I am loosing the Categories, Stats, etc. but who really cares? My choice, my bloghost.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
So why watch Up?
First of all the storyline. It goes beyond a granpa-child relationship. By the end of the film, you could contemplate why the events happened and what the complete personalities of the character were. The makers came up with a complete plot and zero blank holes to fill.
Maturity. Up might be an animated film from the producers of Toy Story but the film is different. The writers created layers. There is this layer that impacted the young, childish generation and there is one for the people who utilize their brains. This production might be one of the most mature films you will ever finish watching. Go grab the oppurtunity.
The animation. Yes. This might be obvious if you know the companies which produced them. Watch this movie in a 3D theater and you will be appreciating the new dimensions on the trailers rather than on the movie. I could recall only one 5-second scene where the movie elements actually popped off the screen. The trailers that came with the movie enjoyed the technology more. All of it had balls, bombs, rods etc falling of the screen. SM Cinema 5 houses the 3D screening. I watched the film in 3D so I have zero idea on where to watch it in non-3D.
Those are my three reasons. You may ask, "why three only when your promoting the film like Kris Aquino with cornbeef?" Because, those are the aspects you will be really needing. Besidess a storyline, maturity and animation, what else does a movie offer?
Summary: Go watch the movie.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Youth and Recession
I saw YOUTH of all sorts. Some live their life in terms of text messaging, others preferred Facebook-ing or Tweeting. I saw some eating their way to maturity while others, like myself, decided to stay youthful. I overheard some talking about their hot opposite sex who just smelled so good, unaware of loosing their conservative Filipino identity.
FINALLY, after a painstaking 10 minutes of panning and searching, I saw the effects of recession with youth as the media. I saw a couple of young girls in their sweet 16's wearing very mini skirts and tight shirts with zero disgrace. The lesser the surface area of the fabric, the cheaper it gets. They embrace their fates with utmost glamor. They may have cut off the "excess" fabric and created another pair of pants with it. Ingenious and economical.
My peer suggests the girls wanted to seduce every male on the vicinity. For the love of Rizal, your ideas are CRAZY! Come on, Filipinas don't do that! They keep their belly buttons to themselves and their legs to the bathroom tiles. That could not be the reason. THAT IS CULTURALLY IMPOSSIBLE!
A friend pinched me and I woke up into reality. Reality where there is no more Maria Clara, no more intellectual Miriam Defensor, no more intelligent Jose Rizal, no more brave Bonifiacio, no more real Filipino inside all of us. With economics, our culture faltered.
All we can do is hope and pray that when all of this ends, promiscuity goes to purgatory.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thursday makes the dorm an asthmatic's hellhole
I really hate Thursday nights, the nocturne period where everybody just had to clean their rooms. All cobwebs must be brushed off, the floor should be free from particulate matter and everything must be ooh so shiiinny.
I have asthma. I had it since my first breath. Its a curse because in the dormitory, no sensitive trachea can save your soul from your dusting chores. All you have to do is use your inhaler and keep on coughing. Tolerate the physical terror or stay in the dorm for the whole weekend for not following the dorm rules. My brain suggest I wear a mask but come on, when did masks become aesthetically pleasing? They'll just fatten up my face and hide my mouth with blue fabric. Dormers may seem like lab rats but the dormitory is not an experimental stage, it is a structural blessing, so I am in no position to wear protective gear.
I have one freshie and two sophies as roomies so I'm basically a lucky junior. Nobody would dare ask me to clean the study table, empty the trash can, sweep the floor or even turn off my electric fan to avoid particulate dispersion. All my cleaning chores should be done without peer pressure, just personal initiative.
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