
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Singapore, lah!

Written on the airport to Singapore:

I’m going to Singapore. Surprised? The chances of me actually taking this trip was brutally slimmed downed by the DOST-SEI exam that I should take this coming Sunday. We decided the DOST Scholarship was minimal compared to an untimely getaway to a nearby Asian city-country.
I will be returning early next week, the specific date depends on my mother/travel companion who is plotting to extend our stay in Singapore until the next millennium. For the meantime, let me sip some cheap brewed coffee on this local coffee shop WHILE I fascinate myself with visions of Singapore, the nearby Asian city-country. 

Now I'm in Singapore and I feel like I'm in some show. Singapore is too perfect to be true. I feel like I have been living in the garbage bins then suddenly, I take a dip in holy waters. It is not impossible for one to be racist and imagine Singaporeans sweeping every other hour because microbiology couldn't have sprouted from here. Seriously? A city with concrete sky ways, city-wide rail roads and an extremely diverse population can co-exist with tree-lined highways, serenity and hygiene?

My mother/travel companion and I road a skyline tree-top swing. The whole
time we were frozen with regret. "Who's idea was this?!?!?!"


  1. haha... lol ley... kaya mu na ang skyline haha nakaya mu gani ang anchors away.... haha :D.. have fun ley

  2. so glad to hear you're enjoying yourself there :)


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