
Saturday, January 9, 2010

So Sad Filipinos Do This

If you have read this, you're going to understand this entry more.

Yes, I lost my phone last Tuesday. While everyone was raising their eyebrows on me, I asked for divine reappearance of my lost phone until about 10 PM where I got tired and swallowed a cup of water. It was very hard praying while fixing a video project for Physics. After several tries of Bon to contact my phone, somebody finally answered the other line (which was my phone).

It was the trisikad driver who brought me from point A to point B earlier that day so the location of my phone couldn't be far away. He said the phone fell off of my pocket and he took it from whatever surface it landed on. Wow. I was so happy hearing the news. I thought he was kind for giving the background story. But I was wrong. He told Bon that I must go to their house and claim my phone for a yet undisclosed amount of money. It was 10 PM and I was basically asked to submit myself to a selfish thief or else he would sell my phone (which was like killing in a kidnap situation). Of course I didn't go.

The negotiation over the phone continued until I heard Bon talking about family ties. The trisikad driver knew almost all the friends my family has and he immediately suggested we go claim my phone at the gate, with him on the other side. He was so scared and ashamed of himself when he heard the names Bon shared.

Of course, we were happy. But still, we have to pay for a compensation. We put out P50o and stuck it into the man's drunk body and we were off to sleep. Too much hostage drama for a cellular phone.

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