
Monday, March 29, 2010

What?!? Another Puberty!

If you are a good observer, you might notice a new environment. Yes, I have changed my blog theme again, hopefully for the last time.

Remember when you were a kid and your mother would only buy you one hundred grams of candy from the store? You stare at licorice, sour tongues, gummi bears and you think you want them all but you only have 100 grams to spend. You're gifted so you take a few of each and you taste each one until you discover the gummi lips are your favorite so the next time you get your 100 grams allowance, you sore your throat on gummi lips?

That is a perfect analogy of what I'm doing. I only got a one theme per time unit allowance and I have a ton of themes to choose from. I'm in the process of looking for the perfect one so (gummi) bear with me.

By the way, this new almost all black theme can save electricity. LCD monitors need electricity to produce colors but not black. That is why was invented.

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1 comment:

  1. I seriously thought you'd talk about a dual puberty, if that's ever possible! Haha.


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