My new bookmark. Don't try too hard to read it,
you'll hurt your eyes.
Everyday, millions of book lovers around the world keep quiet as they wage war versus themselves.
"Should I buy a bookmark?", they ask their brains. Neurons fire up as they try to calculate the worthiness of spending some Pesos on a piece of board which can easily be replaced by some folded scratch paper.
Who saves you from the task of remembering page numbers, folding pages, and ,worst of all, scanning through pages of books you need to finish reading? Who welcomes you every time you continue a reading a bestseller? Its the bookmark. Come on. Its less than 5 Pesos. Buy yourself a decent bookmark. I promise it would be worth it.
For the past years, I have tagged the act of buying bookmarks as stupid and financially depressing. Because of this, I have wasted a forest. I have folded tons of paper to make them look like bookmarks but I loose them after 2 or 3 uses. I really didn't care. Their just pieces of paper BUT after several more years, it should have been the whole greenery at Mount Makiling.
When I was looking for a good bookmark, I saw a lot of Hannah Montana and Dora bookmarks. Were they advertising or promoting reading books to active children and teenagers? Also, there was a lot of bookmarks that provide inspiration, most of them from the Bible. It took me about 5 minutes to find something neutral. Something without God written in it because I will be soon reading books about evolution so starting it out with a passage from the Bible will be mockery. All the other bookmarks which were not religious had inspirational messages with them with pictures of feathers, flowers and everything you will see in a woman's designer perfume commercial. That would be a problem too if I would be reading books about tragedy. So I settled with the bookmark in the photo above. It says:
The Tale of Two Friends
Once upon a time there was a world.
In this world there were two friends. They went through lots of stuff together. Some of it was good. Some of it wasn't. But through thick and thin, they stayed close, and they were sure they always would. So it seems safe to say they'd live pretty much happily ever after.
The end.
I loved this bookmark because the only thing unparalleled with sadness is the strong bond between their friendship (in the photo, star and moon). Its a very long message so its unlikely I would read it or remember what it says word for word every time I open a book.
Anyways, I'm wishing myself happy reading with my new 4.50 Peso bookmark.
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