
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Can you believe this?

 It has only been at most five days since I last went to school and I’m missing it already. Having to stay in the province until the end of the week-long sembreak is starting to take its toll on my city-grown consciousness.

The catch is I am actually getting tired of having to do nothing. If 24 hours in a day can seem tight in the city especially during school days, a 12-hour day of doing nothing in the province is already very generous. Although I get tired easily and I can’t seem to finish tasks in the city, here in the province, every task I am given seems to lack magnitude. When I was asked to work on some paper invitations, I finished too fast that after some tinkering with the printer and the scissors, I was back to relaxing again! I know what a torture it is to be forced to work but I didn’t expect being forced to relax is much more painful!

I just miss school and all the responsibilities. It is during these times do I realize that men were never made to rest a lot. Muscle atrophy is ugly.

(Although my report card isn’t as diamond-studded as my peers's, I actually enjoy school. I learn a lot more than what is asked during exams and teachers are my idols - being taught by your idols is always a pleasure. Here I am who asked for vacation, got it and trying to return it. Next time I want something, I really need to think about it.)

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